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What’s Happening

Classroom Recycling Investigation

04/24/18 Gleason Lake Elementary

We finished our investigation in honor of earth day.

Taking Action

04/24/18 Gleason Lake Elementary

Gleason Lake is taking action to stop pollution.

Green Team

03/14/18 Gleason Lake Elementary

Today we met to continue our work on spreading the message to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

Take Action

03/14/18 Gleason Lake Elementary

The green team is checking to be sure the light switches still have stickers reminding us to turn off the lights when we aren’t using them. Good work, Green Team!

Spring Clean Up

03/14/18 Gleason Lake Elementary

Join the Green Team on Wednesday, April 21 for spring cleaning. We will start at 7:45 AM and work until school starts cleaning up the school grounds.

Power Patrol Audit

03/13/18 Oakwood Elementary

The Power Patrol did an audit today!

Reduce Water Use

02/07/18 West Middle

Electricity is used to both clean and heat water, which means that reducing your water use also has an impact on energy use!

Kilowatt Kisses

02/07/18 Gleason Lake Elementary

The Green Team will make kilowatt kisses cards for our teachers next week to thank them for helping us spread the message to go green.

Kilowatt Kisses

02/07/18 Gleason Lake Elementary

The Green Team will make kilowatt kisses cards for our teachers next week to thank them for helping us spread the message to go green.

Cost of Lighting a Classroom

01/23/18 West Middle

An estimated 15 trillion watts of power are being used across our planet at any one time. That’s the equivalent of lighting ten billion 100-watt light bulbs at the same time. Teachers and students, remember to turn off unnecessary lights in your classroom and always turn the lights off when leaving the classroom for more than a few minutes.